Upcoming exhibit, relfecting the times

The show that had to be postponed for Covid is finally happening, albeit with some concessions. The delay made some pieces obsolete, but allowed for new work. Some things never seem to change, so commentary is either very necessary, or pointless.

For this exhibit, shared with Deb Cholewicki, I found I was constantly reacting to what was going on around us. I worked in various media, depending on what I wanted to say and how. Here are some examples from the various threads woven into this show.

Politics….Passive Regression
About those who just want to float rudderless down the river waiting to be told what to think. The result is a ship of fools.

Climate Change…This Might Hurt
Controlling climate change is going to hurt. Not controlling it is going to hurt more, economically and on all fronts.

COVID…Invisible Barriers.
We have each had our own experiences with the virus. This is not political in any way, just an expression of my own sense of separation and disconnection.

Nature…The Waiting Game
The antidote to all of the craziness has been stepping out of doors to smell fresh air, hear some birds, feel the crackle of snow under my feet. Simple pleasures heal the stress almost instantaneously.

The show will open on Feb 7 with a “Meet the Artists” by appointment from 12-4pm, then through March 14.

At the Shiawassee Arts Center
Details here: https://shiawasseearts.org
206 Curwood Castle Drive
Owosso, MI 48867